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Remarkably unique Japanese dining table with two tatami benches


Thank you for choosing Sannaka-WEST.

Remarkably beautiful Japanese dining table with two tatami benches

This unique dining table is inspired by traditional Kura door.

Kura 蔵means a traditional warehouse to store family’s treasure and important documents in olden days.

The warehouse has a strong door to protect the valuable from fire or natural disaster.

This one of a kind dining table is made by ash and has 6 decorative edge protectors.

Two long tatami benches are long enough to accommodate 6 people.



Ash タモという丈夫な天然木で作られ、赤みを帯びた艶のある塗装は、ただの天板ではなくアート作品のよう。


🇯🇵🇺🇸Sannaka-West はハワイで唯一の日本の家具、インテリア小物などの専門店です。


ダイニングテーブル #ダイニングセット #畳ベンチ

■ Business hours Mon-Sut: am10: 00-pm5: 00

Address: 560 N Nimitz Hwy # 101B, Honolulu, HI 96817, USA

■ Email

Phone number (808) 537-6181 FAX (808) 537-6188

We look forward to your visit.

Please contact us if you are interested.

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Please check here Sannaka-WEST HP

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