Tsubo-niwa set 坪庭セット

Thank you for choosing Sannaka-WEST.

Tsubo-niwa is a small garden found in the interior courtyards. It has a long history since Heian Period (794 ~ 1185).
Tsubo-niwa exhibits a glimpse of nature and some privacy to the residents at the rear side of the house.
Our showroom has a Tsubo-niwa set which includes everything as you see these pictures.
You may choose your favorite Tsubo-niwa set to feel Japanese nature in your house.

坪庭セットは、ご自宅のコーナーに置くだけで和の空間ができるセットです。平安時代(794 ~ 1185)から続く、中庭や敷地の奥に作られてきた小さな自然は、住む人に癒しをもたらす和の空間です。
🇯🇵🇺🇸Sannaka-West はハワイで唯一の日本の家具、インテリア小物などの専門店です。
#sannakawest #hawaiirenovations #japanesefurniture #japaneseinterior #japanesedesign #japanesechest #japanesetansu #tatami #hawaiinisumu
■ Business hours Mon-Sut: am10: 00-pm5: 00
Address: 560 N Nimitz Hwy # 101B, Honolulu, HI 96817, USA
■ Email info@sannaka-west.com
Phone number (808) 537-6181 FAX (808) 537-6188
We look forward to your visit.
Please contact us if you are interested.
You can also order from the web!
Please check here Sannaka-WEST HP
