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  • yuri9368

We have Amazake Furikake at the store!


Thank you for choosing Sannaka-WEST. Who have ever tried amazake before? Amazake has been drunk since Edo era (411~147 years ago) as nutrition drink whick is non-alcoholic and made with fermented rice. This is scientifically proved that they are effective for conspitation elimination, skin quality and immunity improvement as it contains several important nutritions such as vitamins and amino acids. At the store, we have amazake furikake which allows you to make variety of dishes with high nutrition by simple recipes. Even if you just put this on rice, the amount of nutrition you can intake will be much different compare to eating rice only by itself.

Even if you just put this on rice, the amount of nutrition you can intake will be much different compare to eating rice only by itself. The diagram below talks everything!

Here is also some of the recipes that you could easily try.

If you are interested in our products, please contact us.

Thank you very much. アロハ!

いつもサンナカウエストをご利用いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。 今回は甘酒ふりかけをご紹介したいと思います。 甘酒には栄養素がたくさん含まれており、なんと江戸時代から栄養ドリンクとしても飲まれていた優れものなのです! 甘酒に含まれる豊富なビタミンやアミノ酸の効果もあり、便秘解消、美肌、免疫力アップなどの効果も証明されております。 そんな甘酒を使ったふりかけをサンナカウエストのストアで販売しております! 普段のレシピにちょっと甘酒ふりかけを加えるだけで、隠し味、また栄養補充にもなり、とてもおすすめの商品です。 白ご飯にふりかけるだけでもその効果は抜群です。以下のグラフをご参考下さい。


■ Business hours Mon-Sat: am10: 00-pm5: 00 Sunday: Appointment Only Address: 560 N Nimitz Hwy # 101B, Honolulu, HI 96817, USA

■ Email

Phone number (808) 537-6181 FAX (808) 537-6188 We look forward to your visit.

Please contact us if you are interested.You can also order from the web!

Please check here Sannaka-WEST HP

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